What is an eVisa? | ÎÞÂ붯»­


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Changes to immigration status - what is an eVisa?

An eVisa is a new digital way to prove your immigration status that will replace physical documents.  

What is an eVisa?

An eVisa is a digital record of your immigration status. It will replace existing documents that act as proof of your status, including:

  • biometric residence permits (BRP)
  • biometric residence cards (BRC)
  • endorsements in your passports, such as stamps 
  • stickers in your passport, such as entry clearance. 

From 1 January 2025 you will need an eVisa to prove your immigration status. The documents above will no longer be accepted. 

How do I get an eVisa?

To get an eVisa you first need to have a UKVI online account. UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) is a division of the Home Office responsible for the UK's visa system. You might already have an account, depending on whether you have a biometric residence permit (BRP) or not. 

If you already have a biometric residence permit 

If you already have a BRP, then you will already have a UKVI account and you can apply directly to the eVisa scheme online. You need to do this even if your current visa lasts beyond the introduction of the eVisa system on 1 January 2025. 

If you don't already have a biometric residence permit 

If you don't already have a BRP then you need to get one before you can apply for your eVisa. 

If you have settlement (either indefinite leave to enter or indefinite leave to remain) and currently use a physical document, such as a piece of paper or stamp in your passport, to prove your status then you need to make a 'no time limit' (NTL) application for a BRP before you can get an eVisa. If this is successful, you will get a UKVI account and can then apply for your eVisa. 

When applying, you might need to supply evidence that you've been a resident in the UK. You might have to supply evidence for each year you've been in the UK. All of this evidence needs to be supplied online and may include things such as mortgage statements and employment and travel records. 

If you already have a biometric residence card (BRC)

For those that already have a BRC then your status has already been granted under the EU Settlement Scheme and you already have an eVisa. You don't need to apply for one. 

If you're applying for a visa or indefinite leave to remain 

If you're application to remain in the UK is successful, either through a visa or indefinite leave to remain, you will be issued with a temporary BRP as well as an eVisa. By the end of 2024, this will change to just an eVisa. 

If you have pre-settled or settled status

If you already have pre-settled or settled status through the EU Settled Status (EUSS) scheme, you will be given an eVisa. 

What can I do with my eVisa?

Your eVisa will be linked to your digital UKVI account. You will need to keep certain details up to date – such as passport and ID card details. You will still need to carry your passport with you when you travel. 

Once you have your UKVI account, you'll be able to generate and share codes that help prove your status. You might want to share this code with employers or landlords and it gives them access to your immigration status for a certain period of time. You can generate new codes whenver you need them.

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Last updated: Jul 16 2024

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