Pensions scams and fraud
Everyone can access their pension from the age of 55. See our tips on how to keep your pension pot safe.

Even experienced investors can fall victim to scammers. Find out what to look out for and how to avoid being scammed.
Investment fraud and scams are usually difficult to spot because they're designed to look like genuine investments. The scammers may have professional-looking websites and documents.
However, there are some tell-tale signs that suggest an investment opportunity is likely to be a scam:
Be careful of investing in cryptocurrency or foreign exchange trading. Most cryptocurrencies aren't regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, so they aren't protected by the UK's Financial Compensation Scheme.
It can be hard to figure out if an investment opportunity is legitimate or not, but there are some things you can do to help you avoid investment scams and fraud:
If you’ve been scammed you should always report it, don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed.
There are also organisations that can help you understand more about investment scams and fraud:
Find out more about what support is available if you've been scammed
We offer support through our free advice line on 0800 678 1602. Lines are open 8am-7pm, 365 days a year. We also have specialist advisers at over 120 local ÎÞÂ붯»s.
Everyone can access their pension from the age of 55. See our tips on how to keep your pension pot safe.
Older people are often the target of doorstep scammers. Find out how to protect yourself against the fraudsters.
Phone scams and cold calls can be annoying, frustrating, and even threatening. Find out what you can do.
It can be difficult to spot the difference between scam mail, junk mail and offers from legitimate companies.
Being scammed can be very distressing, and the impact is often emotional as well as financial. If you've been...
Find out how to avoid the latest scams targeting your money.